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Stand Optimisation Plan

Auckland International Airport Limited


Auckland International Airport Limited
Feasibility completed November 2017

Available on request


Cuesko undertook a Feasibility Cost Estimate for Auckland International Airport in collaboration with Mott MacDonald.

The overall purpose of the project is to re-configure the stands to optimise their usage and provide improvements in safety and operations.

The project proposed scope of works includes reconfiguration of line-markings, new ground lighting to centre-lines and lead-in lines, re-alignment of the airside road, relocation of Nose-In-Guidance System (NIGS), bollards and Ground Power Units (GPU’s), testing of existing lighting and new compliant lighting, demolition of the existing Static-Link Walkway and rotunda to Stand 4 plus the removal of the Passenger Bridge Walkway; and a new ‘single’ bus-stop enclosure and associated realignment of airside road to Stand 5.