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SH1 Papakura to Drury

Waka Kotahi



Waka Kotahi

  1. Stage 1A – Under construction
  2. Stage 1B1 – 2029
  3. Stage 1B2 – to be confirmed

Fulton Hogan


Available on request


The $655 million SH1 Papakura to Drury project is being delivered as part of the $8.7 billion New Zealand Upgrade Programme’s transport investment in growing areas across the country.

The project involves upgrades to State Highway 1 (SH1) between Papakura and Drury South, including:

  • Motorway realignment and widening to create three lanes in each direction.
  • Interchange improvements, including replacement and construction of new bridges.
  • Shared-user path for walking and cycling paths on the northbound side.
  • Improved local road connections and community access along and across the motorway.
  • Significant service utility upgrade.

This particularly complex roading infrastructure project involves multiple stages and significant temporary traffic management works to maintain traffic flows along SH1 and the adjacent roading network.

Cuesko were engaged by Waka Kotahi to perform the Independent Expert role, prepare parallel estimates in accordance with SM014, and undertake the tender evaluation / negotiation of the contractor’s tender price submissions for each stage.