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Pinesong Manukau Building




June 2018


Available on request


Pinesong Manukau Building was a brownfield development within the existing Pinesong Village.

The project comprised the demolition of an existing 3 level apartment building and replacing it with a 7 level 48-unit apartment building which included a undercroft carpark.

The project was undertaken in a single stage with one main contractor.

The project was completed June 2018 and was within budget and on time.

Cuesko’s role on the project was to initially to provide cost estimates for alternative options which include materiality reviews.

We then followed an ECI (Early Contractor Engagement) procurement strategy where a Main Contractor was appointed. Following the ECI process and once the design was at detail design level, all trade packages was competitively tendered on a open book basis which meant the client got the best rate for each trade. Once the procurement of the trade packages was complete, the complete works was rolled up as a variation to the initial ECI Contract and converted to a traditional Lump Sum Contract.