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Park & Ride South Facility

Construction of a Park and Ride facility bordering SH20B / Puhinui road


Auckland International Airport Limited
November 2020
Fulton Hogan

Available on request


Construction of a Park and Ride facility bordering SH20B / Puhinui road. The Park and Ride facility would cover approx. 17ha and would accommodate approximately 3100 vehicles including a pick-up and drop-off zone, a central bus shelter and five satellite bus shelters

Cuesko were employed to provide quantity surveying and cost management services for the project implementation phase. These services included monthly payment recommendations and financial reporting, Covid-19 claim assessments and project close out.

The construction duration was envisaged to be 11 months, however during construction implementation phase the project was abruptly stopped in March 2020 with the construction contract being terminated due to the financial impact and uncertainties caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. In November 2020, the final close out works were completed by the contractor to leave the site in a safe condition.