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116 Waihoehoe Road

Oyster Capital



Oyster Capital


Planned for 2026


Available on request


Oyster Capital partnered with Fletcher Residential Limited to deliver a comprehensive development at the 29.3ha site at  116 Waihoehoe Road.

The development seeks to rezone the land from ‘Future Urban zone’ to ‘Terrace Housing and Apartment Building zone’ under the Auckland Unitary Plan.

The staged development will comprise 49 detached dwellings, 308 terrace dwellings, 9 residential super-lots, drainage reserves, jointly owned access lots, and roads to vest.

Cuesko were asked to undertake a review of Oyster Capital’s development budget to verify the physical construction costs, professional consultant fees, contingency, escalation and other development costs, to facilitate funding from BNZ and Capital Group.